Buckland Chapel is financially supported by several regular donations, money from St Andrew’s Church and income from hiring out the premises. In addition, we undertook a recent local fundraising appeal and are very grateful for all the donations received from the local community in Buckland towards the cost of installing disabled toilets and improving access for the disabled, as well as to our several grant funders.
We have further important projects planned such as improving the acoustics, repairing the windows and upgrading the kitchen.
So now more than ever, we need your donations. We are very grateful for all donations however small.
We will be delighted to receive donations by cash, cheque or direct bank transfer.
Please consider making a regular donation by standing order.
Don’t forget to complete the Gift Aid Declaration here. We will then be able to reclaim the tax that you have paid on that part of your income.
If you would like to make a donation please email us or click the Just Giving link below.